(Not the painting)

The Swimming Pond by Malcolm Baker   This painting is for sale for $300,000. Cover price includes a free print of this painting, edition limited to 200 copies

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This issue, a  Free  copy of the  MozillaFirefox  web browser. ( I already have one.)

 A Firefox, ( Red panda).
Australian Koala Bear


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The CPJ is printed in hard cover, and updated online, therefore advertisements remain in the edition permanently.

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Malcolm Baker,
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The Journal of Crime & Punishment
____________________________________________________________________________________________________                                               HAIRDRESSING                             1st April    price 100 pounds ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A hairdresser is a person whose occupation is to cut or style hair in order to change or maintain a person's image. This is achieved using a combination of hair coloring, haircutting, and hair texturing techniques. Most hairdressers are professionally licensed as either a hairdresser, a barber or a cosmetologist.

Ancient hairdressing

Hairdressing as an occupation dates back thousands of years. Ancient art drawings and paintings have been discovered depicting people working on other persons hair. Greek writers Aristophanes and Homer both mention hairdressing in their writings. In Africa, it was believed in some cultures that a person's spirit occupied his or her hair, giving hairdressers high status within these communities. The status of hairdressing encouraged many to develop their skills, and close relationships were built between hairdressers and their clients. Hours would be spent washing, combing, oiling, styling and ornamenting their hair. Men would work specifically on men, and women on other women. Before a master hairdresser died, they would give their combs and tools to a chosen successor during a special ceremony.[1]

In ancient Egypt, hairdressers had specially decorated cases to hold their tools, including lotions, scissors and styling materials. Barbers also worked as hairdressers, and wealthy men often had personal barbers within their home. With the standard of wig wearing within the culture, wigmakers were also trained as hairdressers. In ancient Rome and Greece household slaves and servants took on the role of hairdressers, including dyeing and shaving. Men who did not have their own private hair or shaving services would visit the local barbershop. Women had their hair maintained and groomed at their homes. Historical documentation is lacking regarding hairstylists from the 5th century till the 1300s. Hair care service grew in demand after a papal decree in 1092 demanded that all Roman Catholic clergymen remove their facial hair.[1]


CPJ 27th April 2014 
My father used to cut my hair with a pair of hand clippers. Always a "short back and sides" It hurt so much that I used to dread having a haircut. He even told me that that was nothing. If I didn't sit still when I went to the hairdresser in town, it would hurt even more. He was a tobacconist. He also sold lottery tickets. The first time we went there I ran away as soon as we got to the door. Fortunately the reality wasn't all that bad. However I still wonder how they make any money at it. In those days it was 50c. Now it is $15 for me, which I think is pretty cheap. Women pay a lot more of course, but I wonder how they can afford it. Somewhere here there is a problem which needs to be solved. So, to assist with this I've set up a magazine called Top Dressing.
Have you ever noticed the names hairdressers give their establishments?


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