Text of handwritten letter (with red ink on it) faxed to the number on the previous page

To Tokyo Eiwa                             (words in red ink)

Maison Hirakawa   3rd floor
3rd floor 2-5-2 Hirakawa-Cho
Yokyo 102

11-April 1997



Dear Sir Masunaga Hidetoshi

Would you please look at the
enc  letter $ confirm whether or not
it came from your office.

[Would you kindly compare the signature
of the letter faxed to the one
previously faxed & tell me if the 2
people concerned R guilty of any
criminal offenee.

yours Sincerely

Malcame Baker


 This portrait of Emile Zola by Manet also includes a picture of Japan's most famous Samauri, which doubles as his signature.


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