Mr Malcolm James Baker,
Baker Publishing,
Hillview Court,
Maketu 3189.

Commissioner of Police,
Mr Howard Broad,
Police National Headquarters
PO Box 3017

copy: Minister of Police,
Hon Judith Collins M.P.
Prime Minister,
web site:

7th August 2009,

Dear Sir,

It has been over a month since I wrote to the Minister of Police, and almost two years since the event which I allege happened on or about the night of the 27th August 2007, the day before I appeared in court on a family court matter regarding a personal property protection order requested by New Zealand Guardian Trust Limited. I was represented by the lawyer appointed by the family Court, Mr John Patterson a partner in the law firm Hobec of Tauranga.

It is my allegation, made to the Minister to investigate that John Patterson threatened Judge Annis E. Somerville with a gun, if she refused to have sex with him. I asked Mr Patterson if he had raped the judge, but he naturally denied it, as any guilty person would be likely to do unless there was some evidence of a crime. I do not know for certain whether he did have sex with this woman, or somebody else on the night in question, because I was not there, but I presume the judge herself would have some recollection of whether or not an incident had occurred or not. I can only apologize if I am mistaken, and cannot remove the harm from my accusation, however I consider that if the man is innocent, then no harm was done and he may be prepared to forgive me.

What I allege happened is that Patterson, perhaps in an intoxicated state, met the judge, who is a young attractive woman, as well as being a judge, some situation I do not know the location of.
The conversation was along the lines of the an offer from Patterson to have sex, and the reply from Ms Somerville was along the lines of "What if I say no?" to which the person replied, "I have a gun", and the reply from the female was along the lines of "That's good enough for me".

The tape I heard was convincing, but I do not know whether the Dictaphone recording (original copy) still exists and whether it was genuine. I can tell you whose possession it ended up in, but I do not need to say any more at this stage. You could ask Clive Taylor a lawyer for Bell Gully if he has any knowledge of the tape, whether a copy was made available to him, or whether his wife Janice does, but again I assume the judge has the original tape as it was recorded on her Dictaphone, and was in her clothing at the time..
I saw a similar Dictaphone in the office of lawyer (District Inspector of Mental Health, Beach Law.

This matter, a threat to kill a Judge and to pervert the course of Justice, if the matter had any bearing on the outcome of the trial or court hearing in which it was alleged by Steve Collins of Guardian Trust, and John Patterson that I am unfit to understand and conduct my own business affairs myself, I am unable to say, but if the Minister has not made the enquiries I asked for, by speaking directly to the Judge, understanding that she may well and justifiably fear for her life if I am correct, and assume that Mr Patterson was not simply acting alone and may well have been confident in the support of many others, how many and who I cannot say and will not speculate.

I do not think it appropriate that I approach the Judge myself, because I am unable to offer her any protection, however a tactful approach from a senior police officer such as yourself may well reveal the true facts of this most unfortunate allegation. If the tape I heard was a fake, or involved anyone else other than the Judge and Mr Patterson, then I apologize, but I can do no more than put forward what I know to be true.

Yours sincerely,
Malcolm James Lorenzo Baker.



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