
Rt. Hon. John Key M.P.

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" During calendar year 2013, the number of counterfeit Bank of England banknotes taken out of circulation was around 680,000 with a face value1 of £11.5mn.  This is just a tiny proportion of the genuine notes in circulation: an average over 3 billion with a face value exceeding £55 billion."

Malcolm Baker
42 Spencer Avenue
Maketu 3189

Sovereign immunity, or crown immunity, is a legal doctrine by which the sovereign or state cannot commit a legal wrong and is immune from civil suit or criminal prosecution.

In constitutional monarchies the sovereign is the historical origin of the authority which creates the courts. Thus the courts had no power to compel the sovereign to be bound by the courts, as they were created by the sovereign for the protection of his or her subjects.

 Before you say this is ridiculous, consider that the Education Dept. tested me in 1969 and found I have an IQ of 170.

This means I'm capable of rational argument.

Consider en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money_bill

Also consider that according to my claim, no access to the internet is possible without my software written in JavaScript, owned by Sun Microsystems - now Oracle, and that as this software is essentially 50% of the Microsoft Operating System itself, no useful computer is possible without a reliable means of exchanging files - in a timed and orderly way. I'm referring here to BitCom, and my partner the Royal Family.

However, getting away from the details, to the debt.

My argument is that the act of switching on a computer creates or writes a file. This has the same effect as drafting a banknote, specifically a Bank of England note and therefore everybody in illegal possession of a computer is in possession of Bank of England forging equipment. This is because my software sells for 100 pounds per copy. As you know, illegal copying is a crime.

 The BitCom manual was published in hard copy as well as archived in a .arc file, and one of the colours on the cover is Royal Blue, a colour trade marked to the Royal Family. I've written to them explaining the situation. As you may know the Queen of England cannot be prosecuted. The only other people who cannot be prosecuted are people I have given or sold my software to. I can give you a copy of the manual but you will have to pay for your software if I win my case. Unless Tau Henare can prove he is my friend Gavin Chapman, who has a legal copy by comparing his fingerprints or some other means, he will have to pay. Likewise Murray McCully if he is not the Queen of England. Appropriation is the responsibility of the Hon. Bill English M.P., Minister of Finance. If you wish to know more, please ask.


MJ Baker


In the Westminster system (and, colloquially, in the United States), a money bill or supply bill is a bill that solely concerns taxation or government spending (also known as appropriation of money), as opposed to changes in public law.


Royal blue describes both a bright shade and a dark shade of azure blue. It is said to have been invented by millers in Rode, Somerset, a consortium of which won a competition to make a dress for the British queen, Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.[3]

Traditionally, dictionaries define royal blue as a deep to dark blue, often with a purple or faint reddish tinge.

By the 1950s, many people began to think of royal blue as a brighter color, and it is this brighter color that was chosen as the web color "royal blue" (the web colors when they were formulated in 1987 were originally known as the X11 colors, since the World Wide Web did not come into operation until 1991). The World Wide Web Consortium designated the keyword "royalblue" to be this much brighter color, rather than the traditional darker version of royal blue.

Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Sophia Charlotte; 19 May 1744 – 17 November 1818) was the wife of King George III. She was Queen of Great Britain and Ireland from their marriage until the union of the two kingdoms in 1801, after which she was Queen of the United Kingdom. She was also the Electress of Hanover in the Holy Roman Empire until the promotion of her husband to King of Hanover on 12 October 1814, after which she was also queen consort of Hanover.

Queen Charlotte was a patroness of the arts and an amateur botanist who helped expand Kew Gardens. George III and Charlotte had 15 children, 13 of whom survived to adulthood. She was distressed by her husband's bouts of physical illness and insanity, which became permanent in later life and resulted in their eldest son being appointed Prince Regent.


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